Holiday Show Tickets are on sale now! Hang our holiday show flier around town and share the ticket link with your family and friends. If every member is able to sell 10 tickets, we’ll have an amazing audience to cheer on our spectacular performance!
PARENTS & CHOIR MEMBER FAMILIES: We need your help! Please sign up to help at rehearsal on Wednesday and during the show. Please sign up here to help out. Thanks!
Wednesday 12/11:
Teens 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Kids & Adults 6:00pm - 8:30pm
ARC 8:30pm - 9:00pm
Friday 12/13:
All 5:30pm (may be adjusted after rehearsal)
Show 7:30pm
Saturday 12/14:
All 1:30pm (may be adjusted after first show)
Show 3:00pm

- Don’t forget to sing a bit every day and be in the running to win the Concert Chops Challenge! We encourage you to sing every day and to review your S&S music at least 3 times per week. The first prize is better vocals and a better sound for S&S. The second prize is the big mystery box!
- Sing along with the holiday show playlist as much as you can! Updated song list order.
- Danny Boy
- Flu Fugue
- Do You Hear What I Hear: Sop 1, Sop 2, Alto, Tenor, Bass, Accomp, Accomp+All Parts (also available in Rehearsal Recordings)
- Rehearsal Recordings: You can access rehearsal recordings on the member portion of the website under “Rehearsal Recordings”. Look for your voice part to practice with. Click on ‘Title’ to sort the 2024 recordings to the top

- MLK DAY: If you are interested in singing with Sound & Spirit for the MLK Day celebration, please complete this form (even if you signed up via the paper list already).
- Vocal tip of the week from Kate! Take a straw and blow bubbles into a glass of water while you are humming through the straw. A nice warm-up to your day… A nice recovery from over singing or over talking.
- Fa La La La La! We have two caroling opportunities! One on Sunday, December 15th at 2:00pm at Mary Ann Morse at Heritage in Framingham. Another on Saturday, December 21 at 2:00pm at Mary Ann Morse in Natick. Wear your most festive outfit and plan on singing for about an hour. If you want to join us, please sign up at this Google Doc for 12/15 and this Google Doc for 12/21 by December 8th. Feel free to invite your family members.
- Our Winter Concert wrap party will be on Wednesday December 18th from 6:30 - 7:30 at Fisk Church on Walnut Street in Natick. Sign up to bring a treat at our next rehearsals or on this Google doc. Contact Joanmarie Goodwin with questions (ducky1024@gmail.com).
- The A Cappella Singers Winter Concert is on Saturday December 7th at 7:00PM at the Fisk Memorial United Methodist Church, 106 Walnut St Natick. Tickets at the door $15.00 Students/ Seniors, $20.00 General Admission. Current S&S members, Jan Westerhoff (alto) and Sue Seltzer (soprano), sing in this chorus, plus a few past Sound and Spirit Members. Join them for a night of fantastic music, plus a holiday Sing-A-Long.
- The Newton Community Chorus is presenting Handel’s Messiah on Sunday, December 8th at 3:00PM at Grace Episcopal Church, 76 Eldredge St. Newton. Tickets: General Admission, $20 online, $25 at the door, Students and Seniors: $15 online, $18 at the door. Sheryl Stockless sings in this chorus as well as in S&S. Come hear Handel’s glorious work!
Don’t be this guy – look at your music!

If you have any questions about the newsletter, please feel free to reach out to Lilia (lilia@liliaweisfeldt.com).